
Intergenerational housing for all

You have reached the age of the pension or you are approaching it, and perhaps you wish to transform your house which became too big in intergenerational housing because you are convinced of the benefits of this form of socially-cohesive housing? Our company can help you from A to Z to transform your residence into a harmonious living space which accommodates the welcoming of various generations.

Are you a student, young couple or single active with or without children in search of affordable housing and want to share moments with an older person who has an oversized home for his needs? We put you in touch so that you can create privileged relations with each other.

Our different formulas

Choose the formula that fits your family situation
to integrate the intergenerational housing program.

Contact us


 4 Avenue de Foestraets,
1180 Brussels


+32 (0)497 599 506

Opening hours

Monday to Friday
09:00 am to 5:00 pm

Leave us your message

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